Thursday, May 31, 2018

Soil Erosion and Water Pollution

The relationship between water quality and soil erosion cannot be overemphasized. Soil erosion and residue management, especially surface water runoff, influence water quality. A silt fence, sometimes called a filter fence, is a temporary sediment control barrier used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby waterways from sediment in stormwater runoff.

The problem with silt fences is that they only filter sand and silt, clay and nutrients flow through the fences.  Placing a berm of compost on the low side of silt fences adds the capacity to filter out clays and nutrients. Compost contains both positive and negative charges that attract both positively and negatively charged elements and clays.

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  1. Soil erosion is defined as the wearing away of topsoil. Topsoil is the top layer of soil and is the most fertile because it contains the most organic, nutrient-rich materials. One of the main causes of soil erosion is water erosion, which is the loss of topsoil due to water.

  2. Concoction enduring changes the game plan on the stone or even mineral.
    Nice Post by the way
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